Barchart Race

Bar Chart Race is a great and highly visual way to display data changing over time in the form of an animated bar chart. It’s a very comprehensible representation of time-based changes in data.

Set Up

Before Starting make sure to have Observable-Jupyter and any other needed libraries installed in your local environment.

from observable_jupyter import embed
import pandas as pd
import json

Load and Format Data

Barchart_df = pd.read_csv("Demo_Data/toy_data_set.csv", index_col = None)
Date Animal Category Value
0 1/1/00 dogs mammal 100
1 1/1/00 cats mammal 30
2 1/1/00 frogs amphibian 5
3 1/1/00 mahimahi fish 6
4 1/1/00 mice mammal 10

The following block of code structures the data into a format accepted by Observable.

result = Barchart_df.to_json(orient="records")
parsed = json.loads(result)
data = json.dumps(parsed, indent=4)
Formated_Data = json.loads(data)

Embed your data into the visualization

The Barchart Race visualization consists of two cells:

  1. chart : chart cell displays the animated bar chart race.

  2. viewof replay : viewof replay is responsable for displaying the replay button.

To make your visualization work you will need to access the input variables.

  1. csv_data : set csv_data equal to your structured data.

  2. date_column : set to the name of your date column.

  3. name_column : name_column is set to a unique identifyer for data.

  4. value_column : value_column is set to the quantitative value you wish to measure.

  5. category_column : if you have catagories in your data set category_column equal to the name of the column contiaing your catagories.

  6. n : n is responsable for deciding how many items will be in the race.

    cells=['chart', 'viewof replay'],
    inputs = {
        "csv_data" : Formated_Data,
        "date_column" : "Date",
        "name_column" : "Animal",
        "value_column" : "Value",
        "category_column" : "Catagory",
        "n" : 10
