Timeseries Dashboard

Creates a dashboard with a brushable scatterplot that drives the visualization of both a line plot and a histogram.

Set Up

from observable_jupyter import embed
from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
import pandas as pd
import json

Load and Format Data

stocks_df = pd.read_csv("Demo_Data/Apple.csv")
Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume
0 1980-12-12 0.128348 0.128906 0.128348 0.128348 0.100178 469033600
1 1980-12-15 0.122210 0.122210 0.121652 0.121652 0.094952 175884800
2 1980-12-16 0.113281 0.113281 0.112723 0.112723 0.087983 105728000
3 1980-12-17 0.115513 0.116071 0.115513 0.115513 0.090160 86441600
4 1980-12-18 0.118862 0.119420 0.118862 0.118862 0.092774 73449600

The following block of code structures the data into a format accepted by Observable.

result = stocks_df.to_json(orient="records")
parsed = json.loads(result)
data = json.dumps(parsed, indent=4)
Formated_Data = json.loads(data)

Embed your data into the visualization

The Timeseries Dashboard consists of one cell:

  1. grid : Depicts the map and the associated data

To make your visualization work you will need to access the input variables:

  1. csv_data : Set equal to your formated data

  2. Qval_column : Should be set to the name of the column containing the quantitative data you want to display.

  3. title : Title of the representing what is being measured in Qval_column

     cells = ["grid"],
     inputs = {
         "csv_data" : Formated_Data,
         "title" : "Stock Open Prices",
         "Qval_column" : "Open"
