Pixel Value and Intensity Histogram

The Pixel Value and Intensity Histogram is useful in visualy understanding the intensity of the RGB pixel values in an image.

Set Up

Before Starting make sure to have Observable-Jupyter and any other needed libraries installed in your local environment.

from sklearn.datasets import load_sample_images
from observable_jupyter import embed
from PIL import Image
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Load and Format Image Data

images = load_sample_images()
first_image = images.images[1]

The visualization requires the pixel data to be formated as an RGBA.

new_image = Image.fromarray(first_image).convert('RGBA')

Extract Pixel Data

image_width = new_image.size[0]
image_height = new_image.size[1]
pix_val = list(new_image.getdata())
pix_array = np.array(pix_val).flatten().tolist()

Embed your data into the visualization

The Summary Table visualization consists of one cell:

  1. chart : Depicts the the chosen image along with a box selector and a color coded histogram at the top of the image.

To make your visualization work you will need to access the input variables.

  1. Image_Data_Array : Set equal to a list containing pixel values of an image in a RGBA format. (should be in the same format as pix_array in the previous code block)

  2. pix_width : Set equal to the width of the image in pixels

  3. pix_height : Set equal to the height of the image in pixels

    cells = ["chart"],
    inputs = {
        "Image_Data_Array" : pix_array,
        "pix_width" : image_width,
        "pix_height" : image_height,
