World Choropleth Map

Set Up

Before Starting make sure to have Observable-Jupyter and any other needed libraries installed in your local environment.

from observable_jupyter import embed
import pandas as pd
import json

Load and Format Data

Co2_df = pd.read_csv("Demo_data/2020_Co2_Emissions.csv", index_col = None)
Entity Code Year Annual CO2 emissions (zero filled)
0 Afghanistan AFG 2020 12160286
1 Albania ALB 2020 4534673
2 Algeria DZA 2020 154995460
3 Andorra AND 2020 466294
4 Angola AGO 2020 22198161

The following block of code structures the data into a format accepted by Observable.

result = Co2_df.to_json(orient="records")
parsed = json.loads(result)
data = json.dumps(parsed, indent=4)
Formated_Data = json.loads(data)

Embed your data into the visualization

The World Choropleth Map is made up of two cells:

  1. key_2 : acts as a legend for the map.

  2. chart_2 : contains the map.

To make your visualization work you will need to access the input variables. In this visualization we have five variables that you can modify.

  1. csv_data : set csv_data equal to your structured data.

  2. feature : feature will be the equal to the column containing unique map entities.

  3. quantitative_value : set equal to the column pertaining to the quantitative value you want to visualize.

  4. color : Color ranges from 0-5 and gives you different color palets.

  5. title : Title defines the title on the key

    cells=["chart_2", "key_2"],
    inputs = {
        'csv_data' : Formated_Data,
        'feature' : "Entity",
        'quantitative_value' : "Annual CO2 emissions (zero filled)",
        'color' : 5,
        'Title' : 'Co2 emissions per country'
