Leaflet United States Choropleth Map

Leaflet is an open source javascrip library for interactive maps. Used by companies like NPR, Github and Financial Times the Leaflet United States Chloropleth Map allows you to make a publication quality choropleth map

Set Up

from observable_jupyter import embed
import pandas as pd
import json

Load and Format Data

rain_df = pd.read_csv("Demo_Data/Rain_Data.csv")
State RainFall (in)
0 Mississippi 66.84
1 Louisiana 66.23
2 Alabama 65.06
3 Tennessee 58.89
4 Georgia 57.11

The following block of code structures the data into a format accepted by Observable.

result = rain_df.to_json(orient="records")
parsed = json.loads(result)
data = json.dumps(parsed, indent=4)
Formated_Data = json.loads(data)

Embed your data into the visualization

The Leaflet United States Choropleth Map consists of two cells:

  1. map : Depicts the map and the associated data

  2. leaflet : Depicts the checklist filter tool

To make your visualization work you will need to access the input variables:

  1. quantitative_data : Set equal to your formated data

  2. ID_Column : set equal to the column that contains your state names

  3. Quant_Column : Should be set to the name of the column containing the quantitative data you want to display.

  4. toolTip_title : List of strings where index 0 should discribe the quantitiative data and index 1 should contain units.

  5. Levels : List of length 7 representing different cutoffs for colors depicted on the map

     cells = ["map", "leaflet"],
     inputs = {
         "quantitative_data" : Formated_Data,
         "ID_Column" : "State",
         "Quant_Column" : "RainFall (in)",
         "toolTip_title" : ["Annual Rainfall", " inches"],
         "Levels" : [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 55, 60]
